Thursday, October 30, 2008


Thanks for leaving me out, guys. I was merely 5 minutes late getting home 'cos I had to run some errands yesterday and I heard Biennale plans were canceled thanks to a certain grouch. BUT when I got home, I found a note saying they'd changed their minds and were gonna go ahead with the outing anyways. If I didn't know better, I'd say they planned to leave me out on purpose! It's not like I even need to pay to get in, and I usually stay silent when out in public. I don't see why you guys need to PRETEND plans were canceled just so I wouldn't tag along! I bet I have a more evolved appreciation for art than the three of you combined.

I spent Thursday moping around the house and reading fashion blogs. THREE STOOGES INDEED.

1 comment:

civ said...

Awww, don't be pissed Ern. You can come on Friday! :D