Sunday, February 8, 2009

Erssuming I'm Invited ...

This opens on Feb 19 here in SG and if I'm lucky, Mo & her mom will bring me. Vic, G, Vern, you guys wanna come?

Ergo the Elation Ends

I've just discovered the loathsome qualities of the months of November and December because ermid the muffled laughter in the dark, the fantastical list of things to be done, the magical feeling of the yuletide and soaring emotions, these ghastly months do nothing but create the perfect illusion as to what January and February would turn out to be. Your expectations are heightened to unimaginable altitudes only to come crashing down once the first weeks of the new year run their course. Then comes February, where you replay that life-shattering plunge in your head in slow motion and die all over again.

I could think of 26 places I'd like to re-visit before I'm placed six feet under.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Move Erlong

Ever since I went erway, I began to long for the comfort of my closet and really started to erppreciate the kind of warmth and security I derived from the familiarity of my surroundings. I used to scoff at people for whining about being homesick after merely a couple of days out of the country, but now I'm starting to understand that home is without a doubt, where the heart is. I missed the comforting smell of Mo's bedsheets in the morning and the sound of M & R's pitter pattering outside our bedroom door. We'd awake to the smell of fresh coffee and the gruff voice of Mo's dad as he read out the day's most alarming headlines at the breakfast table, sounding almost resigned to the economic crisis that has befallen all of us.

It is ludicrous to think that after all that talk about wanting to get out of the closet to see the world, I'd be clamoring to scurry back to sit among Mo's smelly clothes (which appear to be increasing at an alarming rate). In the blink of an eye (yes, just one eye), a new year engulfs us once again with all its 365 days, ready to pummel us to the ground with yet another round of uncertainties, challenges, calamities and what not.

My new year's resolutions include surviving a spin in the washing machine, getting a new t-shirt, being Mo's most trusted advisor (I feel I will soon be replaced by her close friends because they seem to be doing a better job) and of course, to read more. I honestly think someone needs to stop being such an exhibitionist blogger because its getting kind of embarrassing (yes, M, I'm talking to you), AND closet copycats/store stalkers among us should drop dead. I for one am not a fan of cop-E-cats.

May 2009 bring the rapid expansion of ernnoying vocabulary, greater freedom of choice and much personal progress for one and all.

Peas & Love to you Pinkertons.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Devil's Erdvocate

Don't you ever find yourself in situations where you feel like you're losing yourself and turning into the kind of person you'd consider making a voodoo doll of and sticking needles into? I've gotten so caught up in emotions and luxuries that once seemed foreign to me and I can't decide if I like it or not. Clearly I'm perturbed because I feel like I'm no longer that level-headed person who doesn't waver despite the carrot dangling from a stick. I used to have someone to talk to about these things - to tell me right from wrong, and that what I'm doing is Okay or isn't.

And no, I'm not referring to my inner Jiminy Cricket.

Sometimes I get confused between what's more important: the world knowing the real me, or me knowing myself. It's hard to ignore the grey area when your whole life's grey. And then you ask yourself questions you never have answers to, which only serves to spread the greyness of it all.

This space isn't titled emo nemo fur nothin', punkass pinkertons. If anyone has any words of comfort/wisdom to offer this disturbed panther, you're welcome to speak your piece. My family's going to Sydney in a couple of weeks and I'm really nervous about not getting to come with. I just want to add more pictures to my globe-trotting display collection.

I come across as such a show-off sometimes, but all I'm really showing off is my contentment.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm Ernnoying

I just can't help it. Even if it means 'playing the lute to a cow' (Chinese idiom, ignoramus), I'd probably still keep trying.

If your name starts with 'L', you're a foe.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The E.N.D. (ernie never dies)

Props to the Black Eyed Peas' new album for inspiring today's title. So I guess I've been a little too busy to update everyone with the eggciting details of my awesome dust-filled life. Let's just say, apart from werk, I've been running helter skelter across town distributing my little pink panther plasters.

Life can be so cruel, and yet the pain we go through empowers us that much more and reassures us that we can endure just about anything. I've never vicariously experienced this much heartache before, and already I'm overwhelmed by the harsh reality of what love (or lack thereof) can do to you. The past week saw the ernnihilation of little hearts all across the island. It sucks that I can't relate because I've never really dated anyone, let alone been in a serious long-term relationship. And because of that, it makes it that much harder to do a good job at comforting my friends because all I can do is cheer them up with my retardedness and feed them borrowed cookies from Cooks.

As much as I comprehend the necessity for complications in certain areas of people's lives, I can't say there aren't times I wish things could just be simple. Watching over everyone and the world going by only makes me realize that things are never what they seem. You ask yourselves questions all the time - Is he/she the one? Why this, Why that. How'd things get like this? Am I making a mistake? - and at the end of the day, you wish the voices could just silence themselves so that the only thing audible is your heartbeat.

Perhaps the world would be a better place if there was no such thing as a unique human identity. We could genetically modify ourselves to be free of emotions related to affairs of the heart, even if it makes us that much less human. Why feel pain when we don't have to? At first, I thought it'd be such a shame if everyone possessed the same feelings and never knew what it meant to feel hurt or sadness. Then on second thought, those emotions seem dispensable, don't you think?

Maybe that's just my thoughts for tonight. Panthers are prone to being fickle, and I'm no exception. I want to be the next Karl Lagerfeld so I can save the world with my dope fashion sense and creative streak that's totally off the hook.

Time for this pinkerton to hit the sack. Peas!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Thanks for leaving me out, guys. I was merely 5 minutes late getting home 'cos I had to run some errands yesterday and I heard Biennale plans were canceled thanks to a certain grouch. BUT when I got home, I found a note saying they'd changed their minds and were gonna go ahead with the outing anyways. If I didn't know better, I'd say they planned to leave me out on purpose! It's not like I even need to pay to get in, and I usually stay silent when out in public. I don't see why you guys need to PRETEND plans were canceled just so I wouldn't tag along! I bet I have a more evolved appreciation for art than the three of you combined.

I spent Thursday moping around the house and reading fashion blogs. THREE STOOGES INDEED.